John Price

Sensei - 3rd Dan

Sensei John Price

My Karate Journey at Kobushi

Kobushi Karate Club wasn’t just where I began my karate journey in 1999 as a white belt; it became my second home. Karate quickly captivated me, and I trained relentlessly. Within three years, I progressed steadily through the belts, finally reaching the milestone of Shodan (first-degree black belt). But my journey wasn’t over. I continued training for Nidan (second-degree) while supporting fellow students on their path to black belt. Two years later, achieving Nidan felt like a dream come true, a testament to dedication and the supportive environment at Kobushi.

Next, I set my sights on Sandan (third-degree). Eight years after stepping onto the dojo floor for the first time, I achieved this goal. Throughout this time, the club participated in competitions, providing a valuable way to test skills against other karateka.

A decade later, Kobushi took a significant leap by joining SKKIF, a renowned karate organization that many aspire to train under. After years of training within SKKIF, I retested for Sandan, reigniting the fire within me to push further.

Mentoring lower belts is incredibly rewarding. Witnessing their progress mirrors my own journey years ago. This not only fosters a strong sense of community at Kobushi but also makes it an exceptional place to train. Karate has gifted me not only skills but also lifelong friendships, creating a global karate family.